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Please see the wiki for more information.įor posters who want to infodump about the history of their favorite hobby or a particularly interesting moment in it, we allow Hobby History posts. Posts should have minimal direct involvement by the poster and not be overwhelmingly biased, and any personal information of participants who are not public figures must be censored.Ī short paragraph, one liner, a post directly asking for advice or a post that is fabricated or fictional.

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Readers overwhelmingly prefer posts which lay out the history, stakes, events, and consequences of the drama, and which include receipts like screenshots or chat logs. A TV show finale being bad isn't hobby drama the fandom reaction leading to it being called 'the worst TV finale ever' might be.Ī high-quality, well thought-out post about a dramatic event in a hobby space. It cannot be a contained event between professionals where hobbyists had no involvement or no impact on the perception of the occurrence. Mods reserve the right to make exceptions for particularly bizarre or niche write-ups.ĭrama must have active involvement by hobbyists to qualify as hobby drama. Current events, news, real-world politics, following a social media account, and being internet famous do not qualify as hobbies. professional sports teams, YouTubers, streamers, actors, scientists, etc., unless the professionals are interacting with hobbyists/fans. Most drama between professionals is not hobby drama, e.g. What is not a hobby? What is NOT Hobby Drama? They are not blink-and-you'll-miss-it catfights with no consequences or internet influencers being rude to each other. Hobby Drama-worthy events might have ousted someone from the community, shaped perception of the hobby, altered the rules the hobby uses, divided the community, created a new faction, caused significant outrage, etc.

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Hobby Drama is an event which happened in a hobby that created meaningful controversy within the community involved. Join the official r/HobbyDrama discord here!įor the purposes of our subreddit, a hobby community is "a group of people who are connected by their active participation in a particular activity during their free time for personal enjoyment".Įxamples of hobbies include: cosplay, model rocketry, fanfiction, blogging, historical reenactment, gaming, fanart, participating in forums, gardening, cooking, playing sports, composing music, making memes, collecting, backpacking, knitting, reading, and many, many more. "The most interesting subreddit about things you're not interested in."Ī place where people can post dramatic and controversial stories, events and situations within their specific circles, usually consisting of events others may not have heard of.

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